Source code for mesmer.seds

""" This module contains the SEDs of the different physical
components that are allowed in the likelihood. The list
of currently allowed SEDs is:

* :py:func:`cmb`
* :py:func:`syncpl`
* :py:func:`sync_curvedpl`
* :py:func:`dustmbb`

These are referred ot by name when defining the :py:class:`FMatrix`
object, which then composes the model as a linear sum of the
various components.

.. plot::

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from mesmer.seds import *

    freqs = np.logspace(1, 3)
    c = cmb(freqs)
    s = syncpl(freqs, 100., -3)
    d = dustmbb(freqs, 100., 1.5, 20.)
    sc = sync_curvedpl(freqs, 100, -3, 0.05)
    fmatrix = FMatrix(['cmb', 'syncpl', 'dustmbb'])
    params = {
        'nu': freqs,
        'nu_ref_s': 100.,
        'nu_ref_d': 100.,
        'beta_d': 1.5,
        'T_d': 20.,
        'beta_s': -3.
    f = np.sum(fmatrix(**params), axis=0)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    ax.loglog(freqs, c, label='cmb')
    ax.loglog(freqs, s, label='syncpl')
    ax.loglog(freqs, d, label='dustmbb')
    ax.loglog(freqs, sc, label='sync_curvedpl')
    ax.loglog(freqs, f, label='fmatrix (c+s+d)')
    ax.set_xlabel('frequency (GHz)')
    ax.set_xlim(23., 400.)
    ax.set_ylim(1e-2, 1e2)


import numpy as np

__all__ = ["FMatrix", "cmb", "syncpl", "sync_curvedpl", "dustmbb"]

[docs]class FMatrix(object): """ Class to construct the foreground mixing matrix. This class models foreground SEDs of the different components of the sky model. This is an implementation of Equation (10) in 1608.00551, for a single set of spectral parameters. Examples -------- >>> from mesmer.seds import FMatrix >>> fmatrix = FMatrix(['cmb', 'syncpl', 'dustmbb']) >>> pars = { ... 'nu': np.array([1, 100, 1000]), ... 'nu_ref_d' : 100., ... 'nu_ref_s' : 100., ... 'beta_s' : -3., ... 'beta_d' : 1.5, ... 'T_d' : 20., ... } >>> print(fmatrix(**pars).shape) (3, 3) """ def __init__(self, components): """ Once instantiated this function evaluates the component SEDs with which this class was instantiated. As it is used in a variety of contexts, the :class:`mesmer.seds.FMatrix` can be called in a variety of ways. It must ultimately be passed the arguments for all of the component functions. This is usually done through keyword arguments, however, the frequency can be passed as the only positional argument. Parameters ---------- components: list(str) List of function names. These functions, evaluated at a list of frequencies, will give the mixing matrix, `F`. Returns ------- ndarray Array of shape (ncomps, nfreqs), representing the component SEDs evaluated for the requested frequencies. """ assert isinstance(components, list) # check that the list of components correspond to existing functions for component in components: assert component in ["dustmbb", "syncpl", "cmb", "sync_curvedpl"] self.components = components
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **parameters) -> np.ndarray: """ """ if parameters: self.parameters = parameters if args: self.parameters.update(*args) # evaluate each component function for the point in parameter space # specified by `parameters` N.B that each `comp_func` is passed all # the parameters - this requires that no two functions share argument # names. outputs = [ globals()[comp_func](**self.parameters)[None] for comp_func in self.components ] return np.concatenate(list(outputs))
[docs]def cmb(nu: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """ Function to compute CMB SED, as a function of frequency. .. math:: f_{CMB}(\\nu) = e^x \\frac{x}{(e^x - 1)^2} Parameters ---------- nu: float, or array_like(float) Frequency in GHz, :math:`\\nu`. Returns ------- ndarray CMB sed evaluated at frequency nu. """ x = 0.0176086761 * nu ex = np.exp(x) sed = ex * (x / (ex - 1)) ** 2 return sed
[docs]def syncpl( nu: np.ndarray, nu_ref_s: np.float32, beta_s: np.float32, *args, **kwargs ) -> np.ndarray: """ Function to compute synchrotron power law SED, given by: .. math:: f_{\\rm sync}(\\nu) = \\left(\\nu / \\nu_s \\right)^{\\beta_s} Parameters ---------- nu: float, or array_like(float) Frequency in GHz, :math:`\\nu`. nu_ref_s: float Reference frequency in GHz, :math:`\\nu_s`. beta_s: float Power law index in RJ units, :math:`\\beta_s`. Returns ------- array_like(float) Synchroton SED relative to reference frequency. """ return (nu / nu_ref_s) ** beta_s
[docs]def sync_curvedpl( nu: np.ndarray, nu_ref_s: np.float32, beta_s: np.float32, beta_c: np.float32, *args, **kwargs ) -> np.ndarray: """ Function to compute curved synchrotron power law SED, given by: .. math:: f_{\\rm syncpl}(\\nu) = \\left(\\nu / \\nu_s \\right)^{\\beta_s + \\beta_c \\ln(\\nu / \\nu_s)} Parameters ---------- nu: float, or array_like(float) Frequency in GHz, :math:`\\nu`. nu_ref_s: float Reference frequency in GHz, :math:`\\nu_s`. beta_s: float Power law index in RJ units, :math:`\\beta_s``. beta_c: float Power law index curvature, :math:`\\beta_c`. Returns ------- array_like(float) Synchroton SED relative to reference frequency. """ return (nu / nu_ref_s) ** (beta_s + beta_c * np.log(nu / nu_ref_s))
[docs]def dustmbb( nu: np.ndarray, nu_ref_d: np.float32, beta_d: np.float32, T_d: np.float32, *args, **kwargs ) -> np.ndarray: """ Function to compute modified blackbody dust SED, given by: .. math:: f_{\\rm dust}(\\nu) = \\left(\\nu / \\nu_d \\right)^{1 + \\beta_d} \\frac{e^{h \\nu_d / (k_B T_d)} - 1} {e^{h \\nu / (k_B T_d)} - 1} Parameters ---------- nu: float or array_like(float) Freuency at which to calculate SED, :math:`\\nu`. nu_ref_d: float Reference frequency in GHz, :math:`\\nu_d`. beta_d: float Power law index of dust opacity, :math:`\\beta_d`. T_d: float Temperature of the dust, :math:`T_d`. Returns ------- array_like(float) SED of dust modified black body relative to reference frequency. """ x_to = np.float32(0.0479924466) * nu / T_d x_from = np.float32(0.0479924466) * nu_ref_d / T_d sed = (nu / nu_ref_d) ** (1.0 + beta_d) sed *= (np.exp(x_from) - 1) / (np.exp(x_to) - 1) return sed