Source code for

import numpy as np

__all__ = ["WhiteNoise"]

[docs]class WhiteNoise(object): """ Simple white noise model. See eqs (1) and (2) from arxiv: 9705188. """ def __init__(self, weights=None, sens=None, pol=True): if weights is not None: assert weights.ndim == 1 self.nfreq = weights.shape[0] self.weights = weights if sens is not None: assert sens.ndim == 1 self.nfreq = sens.shape[0] self.weights = self._sens_to_weight(sens) self.npol = 1 if pol: self.npol = 2 return
[docs] def map(self, nside, seed=3232): """ Function to generate a realization of the noise level as a HEALPix map, with a given `nside`. Parameters ---------- nside: int Nside parameter of the HEALPix map to be produced. seed: int (optional, default=3232) RNG seed. Returns ------- ndarray Noise realization as a HEALPix map. """ np.random.seed(seed) npix = 12 * nside ** 2 pix_var = self._get_pix_var(npix) out = np.random.randn(self.nfreq, self.npol, npix) out *= np.sqrt(pix_var[:, None, None]) return out
[docs] def spectrum(self, lmax, fwhm=None): return self._weight_to_spec(lmax, fwhm)
[docs] def get_pix_var_map(self, nside): """ Function to return a map containing the variance in each pixel at each frequency. This is a product consumed by the `mesmer.likelihood.LogProb` object, and is provided for convenient use with that. Parameters ---------- nside: int Nside parameter of the HEALPix maps to be produced. Returns ------- ndarray Array containing the variance in each pixel at each frequency. """ npix = 12 * nside ** 2 pix_var = self._get_pix_var(npix) out = np.ones((self.nfreq, self.npol, npix)) return out * pix_var[..., None, None]
def _get_pix_var(self, npix): """ Pixel variance is given by: ..math:: \\sigma_{\\rm pix}^2 = \\frac{w^{-1}}{4 \\pi } N_{\\rm pix} """ return self.weights * npix / 4.0 / np.pi def _sens_to_weight(self, sens): return ( 4.0 * np.pi * sens ** 2 / (4.0 * np.pi * (180.0 / np.pi) ** 2 * 60.0 ** 2) ) def _weight_to_spec(self, lmax, fwhm=None): """ Noise spectrum is given by: ..math: N_\\ell = w^{-1} B^2_{\\ell} where the beam is given by: ..math: B_\\ell = \\exp(-\\ell(\\ell + 1) \\theta_{\\rm FWHM}^2 / (8 \\log 2)) """ ells = np.arange(2, lmax + 1) pol_spec = _pol_spec(self.weights[:, None], ells, fwhm) nell = np.zeros((self.nfreq, 2, lmax + 1)) nell[:, 0, 2:] = pol_spec return nell
def _pol_spec(weight, ells, fwhm=None): """ Function to calculate white noise power spectrum with option to add beam effects. Parameters ---------- weight: ndarray Array containing weights of frequency channels, shape (Nfreq) ells: ndarray Array of multipoles over which to calculate the noise power spectrum. fwhm: float (optional, default=None) If not None, deconvolve a beam with this fwhm in radians. Returns ------- ndarray Power spectrum of noise. """ if fwhm is not None: print(fwhm) return weight / _gaussian_beam(fwhm, ells) ** 2 else: return weight * np.ones_like(ells) def _gaussian_beam(fwhm, ells): """ Function to calculate a Gaussian window function in harmonic space. Parameters ---------- fwhm: float Full width at half-maximum of the Gaussian beam, in radians. ells: ndarray Array containing the multipoles over which to calculate the beam. Returns ------- ndarray Array containing the beam window function. """ return np.exp(-ells * (ells + 1) * fwhm ** 2 / (np.log(8) * 2))